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How to check Notification Profiler?

Go to Open Business

When you click Notification Center the Notification Profiler will be the first page to show. As the name depicts this section provide a complete profile of this service for you. Details are below:

Mask Name: This will show Your Mask Name.

Remaining Balance: Total Remaining SMSs.

Expiry Date: This will show the date at which SMS Package will expire.

Today Sent: This will Show the Total Number of recipients to whom SMS sent successfully today.

Today Pending: This will Show the Total Number of recipients to whom SMS sent today but not delivered yet and their status is pending.

Today Failed: This will Show the Total Number of recipients to whom SMS sent today but failed to deliver due to some reason.

Total Sent: This will Show the Total Number of recipients to whom SMS sent successfully from all the time.

Total Pending: This will Show the Total Number of recipients to whom SMS sent from all the time but not delivered yet and their status is pending.

Total Failed: This will Show the Total Number of recipients to whom SMS sent from all the time but failed to deliver.



Notification History:

This section will show summary of SMS Sent. Which Type of SMS and to how many recipients SMS Sent will be called a campaign. Notification History will show details   

Total Recipients: “How many recipients’ was select in a campaign to send sms”

Total sent: “To How many recipients’ SMS successfully sent in a campaign”

Total Pending: “How many recipients’ SMS pending in a campaign”

Total Failed: “How many recipients’ SMS sent failed in a campaign”




Subject History:

This section will show detailed report of SMS Sent. This Will Include

Recipient Name: the name of the person to whom sms is sent.

Contact Type: The recipient is from School Contact List or Personal Contact List,

Contact Number: at which SMS Sent

Message: SMS Content or text written in Message body

Issue Date: The date at which SMS was issued from school

Sent Date: The date at which SMS was sent successfully.

Status: SMS Current Status (Sent, Pending or Failed)

Note: This will include detail regarding status. I.e. Reason why sms failed or pending,

SMS Count: How many Message (1-5) deducted against message sent to a recipient

Action: This column has controls to resend a message

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