Knowledge Base Theme

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How to Create Assessment/Marks Sheet?

  1. Go to Assessment from side bar menu
  2. Go to Create Assessment Sheet tab 
  3. Click Create Marks Sheet Button
  4. Assessment Sheet No is auto-generated and editable
  5. Select Assessment Date
  6. Select Batch for which you want to create marks sheet (All subject assigned to selected batch will be loaded in table)
  7. Select Assessment Title against which you want to create marks sheet
  8. Assessment Sheet Title is auto generated as "Assessment Title | Batch Title" and editable
  9. Select Subject Sets Title by checking check boxes in Title Column. (one to all subject could be selected)
  10. Write Description if any for each selected subject (an Optional field to mention any details i.e. chapters or topics included in assessment etc)
  11. Enter Total Marks for each selected subject (unselected subject  does not allow to enter marks)
  12. Click Save button

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