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How to deal with “Access Denied Error” while working with GLOWSIMS Attendance?

If this error appears, follow the following steps. Screenshots have been attached for your assistance:

1. Close the Program / GlowSims Attendance Software window.

2. Right click to GlowSims attendance and click “Run as Administrator” Option. If not found option click, “Troubleshoot Compatibility.¨ 

3. Select 2nd option “Troubleshoot Program¨

4. Select 2nd last option from the list as “The Program requires additional permissions.”

5. Click Start the Program or Test Program button to test the settings.

6. Click Yes button (Note: Some windows or due to user settings this confirmation box does not appear. But in most cases it does)

7. Now you can perform your required task on software. Access denied error is removed.

8. Click Next on Troubleshoot compatibility window and select “Yes, save these settings for this program” so for the next time you wouldn´t need to follow these steps again and again.


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