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How to Create Payslips?

Last Updated March 28, 2020

  1. Go to Payslip from side bar menu. 
  2. Go to  Create Payslips Tab
  3. Default Date will be set to today date and is editable.
  4. Select Payslip Title 
  5. Select Department. This option is available if you want to create payslip of employees for particular department. There is also Option to select ---Collective--- or of any one department.
  6. Select Employee . employee could be selected depending upon selected department. Selected Employee/s will be loaded to table below along with details set in recurring payslip.
    1. ​Red cross sign against an item is used to remove that item from this slip.
    2. Cross sign with Blue square against each employee is used to remove employee from the table.
  7. Default Date will be set to today date and is editable.
  8. Change Working days from Days, Hours, Minutes column if required. salary will be automatically calculated according to working days.
  9. If any Additional Earning Item, Deduction Item, or Contribution Item is needed to be applied  (Optional)
    1. Select Earning Item from top left of the table. selected earning item will be applied to all employees in table.
    2. Select Deduction Item from top Center of the table. selected deduction item will be applied to all employees in table.
    3. Select Contribution Item from top right of the table. selected contribution item will be applied to all employees in table.
  10. Click Save Button to create payslip of selected employees.

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