How to Create Payslips?
Last Updated March 28, 2020
- Go to Payslip from side bar menu.
- Go to Create Payslips Tab
- Default Date will be set to today date and is editable.
- Select Payslip Title
- Select Department. This option is available if you want to create payslip of employees for particular department. There is also Option to select ---Collective--- or of any one department.
- Select Employee . employee could be selected depending upon selected department. Selected Employee/s will be loaded to table below along with details set in recurring payslip.
- Red cross sign against an item is used to remove that item from this slip.
- Cross sign with Blue square against each employee is used to remove employee from the table.
- Change Working days ,manually from Days, Hours, Minutes column if required. salary will be automatically calculated according to working days.
- OR
If you are managing 'Employee Attendance' via bio matric device in GLOWSIMS then click "Sync (Confirm to sync days, hours and minutes) " button, to fetch working days according to attendance and salary will be automatically calculated according to working days.
- If any Additional Earning Item, Deduction Item, or Contribution Item is needed to be applied (Optional)
- Select Earning Item from top left of the table. selected earning item will be applied to all employees in table.
- Select Deduction Item from top Center of the table. selected deduction item will be applied to all employees in table.
- Select Contribution Item from top right of the table. selected contribution item will be applied to all employees in table.
- Click Save Button to create payslip of selected employees.