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How to Edit / Delete Payslips?

Last Updated March 28, 2020

  1. Go to Payslip from side bar menu. 
  2. Go to  Create Payslips Tab
  3. Select Department
  4. Select Payslip Title against which you want to update or delete payslip.
  5. Select Employee . employee could be selected depending upon selected department. Selected Employee/s will be loaded to table below along with details with Green Colored Background which depicts that payslips is already created and any changing will be only updated to these payslips. 
    1. ​Red cross sign against an item is used to remove that item from this slip.
    2. Cross sign with Blue square against each employee is used to remove employee from the table.

To Edit

  1. Perform required changing
  2. Click Save button to Update Payslip

To Delete 

  1. Click Delete Button
  2. Confirm action by clicking Yes button to Confirmation Box "Are you sure you want to delete all payslips and payments against this Payslip Title?". Payslips of selected employees against selected Payslip title will be deleted.

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