How to Returen Loan & Advance?
To Return Loan & Advance
- Go to Payslips from side bar menu
- Go to Loan & Advance tab.
(Here you will find a table of Loan & Advance Record List with a search box at the top right of the table.)
- Search Employee by using search box at the top right of the table. Employee could be search by
- Identification No
- Employee Name
- Father Name
- Department
- Designation
- Click Loan & Advance Payment
from action Column to return Advance Directly from here. Loan & Advance could also be deducted from salary at the time of payslip payment.
- Default Date is today date and editable.
- Select Account from which amount is paid.
- Enter Description if any
- Enter Amount should be less than or equal to Total Loan & Advance amount.
- Click Save button
to Save Payment or Save & Print
Button to Save Payment and Print Receipt as well.