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How to Check Employee Security?

  1. Go to Payslips from side bar menu
  2. Go to Security tab. Here you will find a table of Employees Security Record List with a search box at the top right of the table.
  3. Table will show following details
    1. Expand option
    2. # Sr No
    3. Identification No
    4. Employee Name
    5. Father Name
    6. Department
    7. Designation
    8. Total Security
    9. Action  Column will have Security Payment  to return security  and Delete option to delete return security payment..
  4. Click Expand plus at the start of employee name to check Security details transaction wise of that employee. This will show following details
    1. Date at which Security Payment was Received or returned
    2. Description if any saved at the time of transaction. Opening Balance must have Description as Opening balance.
    3. Debit will have amount if paid to Employee
    4. Credit will show amount if returned by Employee
    5. Action Column will have Update Opening Balance and  Delete Opening Balance for Only opening balance TransactionFor remaining transactions it does not have any option.

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