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How to add Class Timetable?

Steps tp follow

  1. Navigate to the Courses & Batches   module 
  2. Select the batch you want to create a timetable for.
  3. Click on the Class Timetable tab

  4. Select the day for which you want to add a timetable (e.g., Monday).
  5. Select the Subject from the dropdown.
  6. Assign the Teacher for the subject.
  7. Specify the Time From and Time To.
  8. Enter the Room Number (optional).
  9. Repeat the process for all periods of the day.
  10. Click Save to finalize the timetable.

Important Points

  1. 'Click Here to Add New' (  ) Button: Use this to add new subjects or periods to the timetable.
  2. 'Click Here to Copy'  ( Button: Use this to copy the timetable from one day to another for quick scheduling.
  3. 'Remove this item from table' (  ) Button: Use this to remove a subject or period from the timetable.


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