How to check Notification Profiler?
- Go to Open Business.
- Navigate to "Notification Center" (The Notification Profiler will be the first page to show. As the name depicts this section provide a complete profile of this service for you.)
Details are below:
Mask Name: This will show Your Mask Name.
Remaining Balance: Total Remaining SMSs.
Expiry Date: This will show the date at which SMS Package will expire.
Today Sent: This will Show the Total Number of recipients to whom SMS sent successfully today.
Today Pending: This will Show the Total Number of recipients to whom SMS sent today but not delivered yet and their status is pending.
Today Failed: This will Show the Total Number of recipients to whom SMS sent today but failed to deliver due to some reason.
Total Sent: This will Show the Total Number of recipients to whom SMS sent successfully from all the time.
Total Pending: This will Show the Total Number of recipients to whom SMS sent from all the time but not delivered yet and their status is pending.
Total Failed: This will Show the Total Number of recipients to whom SMS sent from all the time but failed to deliver.
Notification History:
This section will show summary of SMS Sent. Which Type of SMS and to how many recipients SMS Sent will be called a campaign. Notification History will show details
Total Recipients: “How many recipients’ was select in a campaign to send sms”
Total sent: “To How many recipients’ SMS successfully sent in a campaign”
Total Pending: “How many recipients’ SMS pending in a campaign”
Total Failed: “How many recipients’ SMS sent failed in a campaign”
Subject History:
This section will show detailed report of SMS Sent. This Will Include
Recipient Name: the name of the person to whom sms is sent.
Contact Type: The recipient is from School Contact List or Personal Contact List,
Contact Number: at which SMS Sent
Message: SMS Content or text written in Message body
Issue Date: The date at which SMS was issued from school
Sent Date: The date at which SMS was sent successfully.
Status: SMS Current Status (Sent, Pending or Failed)
Note: This will include detail regarding status. I.e. Reason why sms failed or pending,
SMS Count: How many Message (1-5) deducted against message sent to a recipient
Action: This column has controls to resend a message