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How Do You Process Employee Payslip Payments Using Collective Payslip Payment?

Employee Payslip Payments Using Collective Payslip Payment

  1. Go to Payslip from side bar menu. 
  2. Go to Payslips Payment Tab 
  3. Go to "Collective Payslip Payment" sub tab 
  4. Select "Department" (you can select collective,single department)
  5. Select "Bank Account" of Employee (You can select Collective, single Bank Account)
  6. Select "Payslip Title"
  7. All Employee's Will Display. (By default, all employe will be checked by blue tick , you can click and uncheck if required) 

    Note: (Multiple employees be paid against a single title at a time)
  8. Select "Date". (Default Date will be set to today date and is editable.) 
  9. Select "Bank Account" (From which transaction is going to be perform). 
  10. Add "Reference No".  e.g (Check Number).
  11. Add "Description".
  12. Add "Amount"  (If you want to clear/Pay all amount to employee's) Otherwise Check "Paid in full" 
  13. Click on "Save" Button 

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