How To Check Inquiry List '15.1' Report ?
To access reports:
- Navigate to the Campus panel module labeled "Reports"
- Within the section '15' labeled "Front Desk
- Click report '15.1' -> "Inquiry List".
- After clicking on "Inquiry List" Popup Box will open having multiple fields
- Select Format Type
- Format 1: Provide just visitor detail
- Format 2: Provide Both Visitor & Student Detail
- Select Report Type
- Inquiry Date Base
- Inquiry Course Base
- Select Status
- Collective
- Active
- Passive
- Dead
- Won
- Lost
- Select Reference:
- From Date
- To Date
Note: (If "Report Type" is Course Base then) - Select Academic Year
- Select course
- Select accordingly then click "Generate Report" button
Report Format 1:
Report Format 2: