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How to Enroll Students in Batch?

  1. Follow these steps to efficiently enroll students into a batch:

  2. Navigate to "Courses & Batches" module from the sidebar menu.
  3. Select the Class: Choose the course and batch where you want to enroll students.
  4. Click the New Enrollment button

  5. Select Search Criteria:
    • Use the Search By dropdown to select the search criteria. The default is Current Course, which is the best option for bulk enrollment.
    • Enter relevant data (e.g., "PG" for Playgroup) in the search box. This will filter all students whose current course matches the entered value, simplifying bulk enrollment.
  6. Search for Students:
    • Click the Search button to display the filtered student records in the table.
  7. Select Students:
    • Check the boxes next to the student records you want to enroll.
  8. Move Selected Students Forward:
    • Click the Move Forward  button (downward arrow icon) at the bottom-left of the table. The selected student records will move to the second table.
  9. Enter Enrollment Date:
    • Add the Enrollment Date carefully, as this date will directly impact the student's attendance management.
  10. Save Enrollment:
    • Click the Save Enrollment button to finalize the enrollment process.


Important Points:

Bulk Enrollment: Use the Current Course search option for enrolling multiple students at once. Accurate Enrollment Date: Ensure the enrollment date is entered carefully, as it will be used to manage the student’s attendance records.

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