Knowledge Base Theme

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How to Enroll Students in Batch?

  1. Go to Courses & Batches from Side bar Menu
  2. Select course and batch in which you want to enroll student
  3. Click New Enrollment Button under Enrollment in Enrolled Tab
  4. Select "search by" by which you want to search student by clicking the drop down button at the start of search text box. Default selection field is Current course other fields may include Admission No, Student Name, Father Name, Status or Admission date.
  5. Write selected field relevant data in search text box or select date if search by field is selected as Admission date
  6. Click Search Button (student will be displayed in table)
  7. Select Student by checking the check box at the start of student Record
  8. Click Move Forward Button with the sign of downward arrow at the left bottom of table (selected Record will be displayed in 2nd table)
  9. Click Save Enrollment Button


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