How To Send Fee Receiving Notifications on App?
When fee receiving notifications are sent, students are informed that their fee payments have been successfully received. This communication helps students confirm their payment status and ensures they are aware of their financial standing.
Perform following steps
Go to Notification Center.
Navigate to the Notification Sending Tab.
Select Fee Notification in the Sub Tab.
Choose Fee Notification Type:
- Fee Receiving
Select Mask "Push Notification"
Select Template:
The template must already be created in the settings for the notification to be sent. -
Select Student status as( Enrolled, Withdrawn or Graduated)
Select Date.
Select "Filter by" as not yet sent.
Select Students:
- Click the checkbox to select students. You can choose one student, multiple students, or all students from list.
- Click the checkbox to select students. You can choose one student, multiple students, or all students from list.
Click Send.